Princeton New Jersey is a destination spot for Central New Jersey shoppers. Our ever expanding shopping guide located at provides information and links to the stores and merchants (both online and offline) offering their customers high quality merchandise and services. Please e-mail us if you would like to add a listing.
(September 2008):
Monthly Visitors
- 5,467
Monthly Page Views
- 3,765
Monthly Hits - 46,735
Engines (as of 11/13/08):
and #7 Google ranking for Princeton Shopping
#2 Alta Vista ranking for Princeton
#1 and #3 MSN ranking for Princeton shopping
Google PageRank: 6/10
Link to your business Website: $25 a month
Graphic button (includes links): $50 a month
Banner advertising (includes links): $75 a month
Banner advertising and graphic button: $100 a month